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No bots against racism – A workshop on digitization and power structures

– with Rockwell King & Jessica Valdez

What if technology is neither neutral nor benevolent?

Can I see the power structures in the digitization and automation of the technology I use?

In the first part of the workshop, we will look at how emerging technologies can strengthen white supremacy and deepen social inequality.
We find examples everywhere: the apps that we use every day, the digital tools that we use for school and work, to complex algorithms that influence decisions in migration policy.

In the second part, we offer collegial advice and report on examples of emancipatory and solidary solutions that correct these imbalances.
We hope to sharpen your sensibility on what technologies you use on daily life, university, on your activism and within your initiatives.

We look forward to you!

#bias #AI #awerness

Cover image: Joy Buolamwini (2020) – Coded Bias

Participation information
Event is intended for:
Language: Englisch

This event takes place as a BigBlueButton video conference (BBB). To participate in a BigBlueButton conference, all you need is a browser, no software installation is required. For more information on how to participate in a BigBlueButton conference and for technical support, please visit our help page.

Registration required!
The link to participate will be shown to you after registration (see form below) and sent by email.
Important: The number of participants is limited.


12. Mai 2021


10:00 - 13:00


Anmeldung erforderlich,
Sustainable US


Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit Hohenheim
Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit Hohenheim
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