Simulation Game: UN climate conferences (Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics, Uni Stuttgart)
The United Nations Climate Change Conferences are the most important events on the progress in dealing with climate change on a global political level. While major achievements like the Paris Agreement could be reached in the past. The outcome and progress of the conferences are often perceived as unsatisfactory in the general public. In this session, we want to explore the structure and quirks of the negotiation and decision-making process on UN level with an interactive simulation game.
After we learned a little bit about the structure of the climate change conferences, we will dive into today’s negotiation topic: a carbon tax. All participants will be allocated to a specific country for the negotiations and try to push the decision on carbon tax into the directions of their specific interest ranging from increasing the GDP by oil exports, to preserving the status quo to saving threatened island territories. The outcome will not only be influenced by our negotiation performance but also the strength of the allies you were able to form.
The session will be hosted by Pia Krause, Stephanie Maier and Thomas Betten from the Institute for Acoustics and Building Physics and based on their involvement with Scientists4Future, the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations and their experience from working for the UN secretary and being an observer for the civil society to the UN Climate Change Conferences.
Information on participation
The event will take place as a Zoom Meeting. Please register (see below) to receive information about participation by e-mail.
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