Circular sustainable startups behind the scenes: opportunities & challenges
Starting a sustainable business is the dream of many, but where to start? What are the fundamental principles of a circular startup? Now is the time to disrupt and change the way things are made and move beyond the “take – make – waste” mindset. Startups have great potential to be at the forefront of this mindset shift and lead the way to a future that is in harmony with the environment and society. This workshop will present the journeys of two sustainable circular startups as well as the most important business model tools that have helped them navigate these challenging waters. The speakers will also talk about the experiences and challenges they faced while founding their start-ups in Germany as international students. The participants will have a chance to discuss and be challenged to come up with their own circular business ideas.
Speaker: Ariana Alva Ferrari was born in Peru and is currently writing her master thesis as part of the M.Sc. Bioeconomy program at the University of Hohenheim. The topic is about circular startups significant contribution to a more sustainable future. This has been influenced in large part by participating in EU-wide startup competitions tackling food waste. She is co-founder of RethinkCheese, an innovative food startup developing game-changing plant-based cheeses in Europe. Want to talk Uni, startups, food, or life in general? She would be happy to connect with you!
Contact info:
Speaker: Paola Varela Pérez was born and raised in Mexico, where she studied International Business Management. Currently, she is finishing her M.Sc. in Bioeconomy at the University of Hohenheim. Her master’s studies deeply changed her career path and interests, making her a passionate bioeconomist and social entrepreneur. She is the winner of the Bioeconomy Award 2021, and Co-founder and CEO of Holiroots UG, a circular sustainable food startup that fights food loss. She loves to exchange ideas and experiences, so feel free to get in touch!
Contact info:
Paola Varela Pérez
linkedIn/Paola Varela