Green Selfcare
Hi you! Everyone is familiar with it. Everyone has a typical behavior that he or she manifests. While having bad habits is part of being human, sometimes they turn “toxic” and can negatively affect our mental health.
How do we become aware of it? Let’s talk about it. Because sometimes it´s hard to spot what habits are “toxic,” we want to start a conversation.
Our former Greening member Camila will lead through the workshop.
Her own personal story and changes will serve as an introduction to a very current and relevant topic and would like to consciously bring attention to toxic behaviors that can sneak in. In a small group, we will reflect on our habits and talk about them, including what it has to do with a sustainable lifestyle.
Within the workshop we want to take time to make a connection between personal mental health and sustainability in a relaxed atmosphere. At the end a meditation round will help us to have a nice ending.
Speaker: Greening Alumna Camila Munhoz
#Wellbeing #Selfcar #Innersustainability #healthyhabits #selfcare
Cover image: Engin Akyurt from Pexels