Rethinking Agriculture
Agriculture faces severe challenges such as increasing food demands, climate change, soil degradation, resource scarcity and biodiversity loss. At the same time, agriculture experiences a crisis of social acceptance due to its social and environmental impacts and its consequences for human and animal health. The time thus seems ripe for radically new ways of doing agriculture that promote biodiversity and ecosystem functions, without exporting the ecological and social footprint. The Hohenheim Seminar wants to promote “out-off-the box” thinking and discussions among scientists within the University of Hohenheim. We invite students, academic partners and the interested public to these inspiring talks.
We are very excited to have Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lakner from the University of Rostock joining us on May 10th and holding his talk on the topic “Economic and political conditions for a biodiversity-friendly agriculture – An evaluation of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)”
This event will take place in zoom as it is part of a weekly series.
#Agriculture #Biodiversity #RethinkingAgriculture
Cover image: Hohenheim