Our goal is to promote sustainable thinking and action at universities in Baden-Württemberg, to make existing commitment visible and to motivate students to become active themselves. The format of the Sustainability Weeks is perfectly suited for this: Through various events and actions, sustainability moves to the center of university life, diverse perspectives can be experienced and the impact of interdisciplinary cooperation can be unfolded. At the same time, the broad alliance of students should show that we expect more from our universities in terms of sustainability: Sustainability must be the foundation in all areas, including governance, operations, research, teaching, and transfer both internally and externally. Universities must fulfill their role model function and become pioneers in the socio-ecological transformation.
In recent years, numerous student initiatives from more than 20 universities in Baden-Württemberg have participated in the Sustainability Weeks @ Universities Baden-Württemberg. These include the universities in Stuttgart, Hohenheim and Ulm, as well as the universities in Aalen and Mannheim, the Stuttgart Media University, the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, the Ludwigsburg University of Education and the Ulm University of Technology. See the page Local for a map of more participating universities.
Due to the composition of students from very different specialized universities, we have a broad spectrum of different disciplines – so we all bring very individual skills to the organization of the Sustainability Weeks. This is especially evident in the diverse, interdisciplinary programs of the previous Sustainability Weeks @ Universities BaWü!
Some of the participating student initiatives we are part of as well as other contributors are listed below! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or feedback about the initiatives!
You can reach us via email at the following address: Also, follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube for regular updates and posts if you like – so you don’t miss out!
The list of participating groups and contributors is unfortunately not quite complete. If your initiative is missing, feel free to write to us.
Arbeitskreis Nachhaltigkeit
University of Hohenheim
The work group Sustainability connects various players from the University of Hohenheim who are involved in sustainability. This creates opportunities to create connections, exchange and large joined projects become possible.
FRESH – Food Revitalization & Eco-Gastronomic Society is an initiative of motivated students who want to rethink globalization by cultivating and strengthening the eating culture, as well as initiating a dialogue on issues relating to nutrition and the environment at the University of Hohenheim.
The Green Canteen working group of stuvus’ sustainability unit is engaged in making the university’s cafeterias more sustainable and also in informing students about sustainable topics. For this purpose, dedicated flyers were designed, which you can view on the website and on Instagram. Green Canteen is in constant exchange with the Studierendenwerk Stuttgart to achieve improvements in the cafeterias.
Greening Hohenheim is an international student group committed to sustainability at the University of Hohenheim. We do this on site and close to the people, for example through green bug lectures, cloth exchange parties, campus clean ups, green picnics, or a repair café.
The Green List is an independent university-political student group. We are committed to a sustainable, socially fair, transparent and democratic University of Hohenheim. We attach particular importance to equal opportunities and solidarity, more environmental and climate justice on campus, as well as more sustainability in the curricula and opportunities for students to have their say.
The students’ representation of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) represents the interests of students towards the university and ensures the quality of student life. Besides, it is its purpose to encourage the students’ political and democratic education, including sustainable development.
The sustainability initiative “zukunftsPHähig” attempts to raise awareness of sustainable topics at the PH Ludwigsburg and among the student community by means of subliminal offers – such as clothes-swapping parties, food sharing campaigns or DIY workshops.
The AStA, the executive body of the constitutional student body, conducts the current business of the constitutional student body. The various heads of departments represent the students and take care of their concerns. Improving the quality is therefore a major task, including the sustainable development of the university.
We want to start a journey discovering what it means to be a wom*n or man* living in our local, communal and global system(s). Let’s learn together and fempower us! We want to create an open, empathic and safe space to exchange perspectives and discuss topics about feminism and intersectionality.
Greening Stuttgart is a think tank for spreading and realizing sustainable and social projects in Stuttgart. We organize e.g. clothes-swapping parties, upcycling workshops, bread-baking workshops, and much more.
The Green University Group Stuttgart focuses on university politics and, as part of the “Nachhaltig & Soziale Liste” (engl. Sustainable & Social List), has several members in the student parliament of the University of Stuttgart.
Infinity Stuttgart tries to impart knowledge and thus integrate sustainability into everyday life, without seeing this as a renunciation. This happens through lectures and workshops that we organize. We as a regional group belong to the umbrella organization Infinity Germany, which actively supports us.
The stuvus “Referat Nachhaltigkeit” (engl. unit of sustainability) is engaged in creating greater awareness of sustainability at the University of Stuttgart and within the student community and in helping to establish networks of existing initiatives and projects.
The “Umweltschutzinitiative” (engl. environmental protection initiative) aims to create awareness of sustainable topics at the Media University and among the student community.
Verfasste Studierendenschaft der Hochschule Mannheim
Hochschule Mannheim – University of Applied Sciences
AStA is the selected executive body of the student body and represents students internally and externally and is committed to their concerns within the scope of the tasks under the State University Act (LHG). The sustainable development of the university and the political education of its student members are among its tasks.