Transforming Universities – Become a changeagent!
During our studies we all spent a lot of time in and around our university. How could they be institutions that promote sustainability in different areas and educate us as changemakers? What can we as students do? What would inspire you? What project ideas do you have and what exists in other universities? Who can support you to implement these ideas in Hohenheim?
During the workshop there will be time to exchange, brainstorm and practical tips! The working group sustainability Hohenheim (AKN), is a active student group and we are happy to show you some examples of what we did and what others do. We are excited to brainstorm more ideas and share some of our insights on how to approach topics.
We will also introduce you to netzwerk n e.V., a German association that is empowering student to change their universities and at the same time doing lobby work for sustainable Universities on a German level.
This workshop will take place in English.
Participation in this event is only possible with registration.